You learn practical models and approaches for daily innovation routines. We inspire your team through our innovation philosophy. You experience our cross-industry knowhow for inspiring innovation solutions, team spirit and a future oriented company culture. Make use of our expertise directly at your site - individually tailored to your topics, processes and challenges. We adjust the extent of our seminars to your needs and schedules.
Think different: Acquire the ability to overcome limiting thinking patterns. Get the mindset of an Innovator.
Business models: You discover the patterns behind innovative business models. You learn how to revolutionize today’s success factors and to maximize your added value ahead of your competition.
Product innovation: Learn how patterns of evolution help to anticipate the next product generation and the one’s after that. Become a creative product innovator and create unique customer value!
Three times a year we have a limited offer for you. We host our WOIS Insight Days. Scheduled topics are:
Train the practical application of WOIS.
Key facts:
Bahnhofstraße 17 96253 Untersiemau
We are looking forward to your call
+49 (0)9565 534 200