How do great innovators of our time think? They act irrationally to break today’s rules. Can such genius be learned? Come along on a fascinating journey inspiring your own way of thinking. We show you how our deeply ingrained culture of logical analysis chokes off innovation at its start. Our history has shaped this culture since antiquity. We show you how to overcome those old modes of thinking. Experience the thinking patterns of innovation! Contradictions are usually perceived as barriers. In contrast we will demonstrate how contradiction oriented thinking is the source for radical innovation. And in addition, we show you how to harness contradictions to break through your own performance limits systematically.
New players undermine traditional industries by new business models or they serve previously undiscovered customer needs. Experience the patterns behind those radical business successes and turn your own business model on its head, before your competition does it. Business model innovations are much more than product innovations, they can originate from different perspectives of your business model. We show you how to find the biggest innovation levers in your company and its environment. You will see how contradiction oriented thinking helps to reinvent your value chain and value proposition. Where are your biggest opportunities for value creation!
Is the following situation familiar to you? Many innovative ideas are generated, yet most of which do hardly reach their desired impact. As a result more ideas become generated heating up the rat race. How to change that? Innovations without transformation of the business fizzle out! Today’s success is bound to today’s core competencies and the status quo. New ideas often do not fit into this picture and are therefore rejected. Despite all initial excitement about new ideas, the system tries to turn back to its old state of equilibrium. We will show you, how innovation leadership can be achieved while at the same time strengthening your daily business. Recognize innovation barriers earlier and change the mindset of your teams. Synchronize all participants already in the early phases of an innovation. Let continuous transformation become your new core competence.
The world is changing ever faster. We face an acceleration of change. Traditional success factors are levered out by new players. How can you develop future viability in those times? How can you become a disruptive innovator by yourself? Experts intimately know the rules of today’s industries. They can prove precisely why new ideas will not work. Innovators have no respect for the status quo. They formulate surprising answers to unreasonable questions. To questions that nobody dared to ask before. They shift the performance barriers, that experts had accepted as being absolute limits. Learn about mindsets and ways of thinking that enable innovation. Identify early on the new innovative questions inside and outside of your sector. Be the one who will play with the rules of the game.
The rapid developments in the information technologies change our everyday lives. In the realm of production goods, Industry 4.0 became a buzzword and technologies and economic forces lead to increasing levels of automation. Developments in the consumer goods industry are also driven by an increasing urge towards connectivity, efficiency and individualization. Society 4.0 will redefine markets. It will require new forms of customer relationships and different business models. Create new successes for your company by adapting specifically to these new requirements. The new winners actively design new market relationships.
Do you know this situation? Someone has an idea and everyone shouts: Hurray, we should immediately do this! Probably not. Ideas with high potential are often choked by counter arguments early on. The reason: New ideas are validated in the context of the status quo. The result: Impossible. This will never work. Innovation needs people who have the passion and the courage to endure unconventional paths. Strong ideas always start as delicate seedlings. They need an environment in which counterintuitive ideas can grow. They need people who have a positively challenging mindset, who strengthen and inspire each other. Who always add new insights to the ideas of others. An innovative team must be ready to challenge current beliefs and must be willing to drive change. It must be ready to engage contradictory perspectives. We show you, how you can harness the interdisciplinary strengths of different personalities. Release your innovative power in your company. Realize the full potential of your teams.
Usually today’s products and processes are highly optimized. They already reach performance limits. With great difficulties, last performance and cost reduction potentials are squeezed out of existing solutions. A price war is raging. The industry stands at a roadblock. How can progress be fertilised? Learn how Innovators find surprising breakthroughs through contradiction oriented thinking and how they overtake the competition. Learn how to anticipate the next and future product generations by applying patterns of evolution. Learn about methods that allow to identify hidden potentials in your products, your environment and your customer journey. Identify the true customer needs by formulating superior goals. Design unique customer benefits and value propositions!
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